A Journal of Postdoctoral Research.
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    ISSN : 2328-9791
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dF508-CFTR correctors deriving from computational design and from safe natural compounds
Mazzei M, Fossa P, Pascale M
Università di Genova
Dipartimento di Farmacia, Università di Genova; Dip. di Farmacia, Università del Salento; Dip. di Farmacia, Università del Salento, Italy

Background. Our research is designed to increase the number of useful substances for treating CF patients with ΔF508 mutation. In particular, our efforts are aimed at expanding the sector of  "correctors."

Hypothesis and objectives. 1) Finding, through rational systems, molecules interacting with the mutant CFTR or those proteins responsible for its degradation in order to rescue the ΔF508-CFTR. 2) Discovering new potential correctors between natural substances already present in foodstuff or herbal medicines. Such substances could reach the market in less time than the synthetic drugs.


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