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    ISSN : 2328-9791
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A new IPSEpro® library for the simulation of binary mixtures of real fluids in power cycl
Maria E. Mondejar and Marcus Thern.
Lund University
Department of Energy Sciences, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Increasing efforts to produce power from renewable resources and improve the efficiency of current industrial processes have turned the spotlight on organic Rankine cycles (ORC). The use of refrigerant mixtures in these cycles offers a wide range of possibilities for fluid selection and optimization. Moreover, zeotropic mixtures are reported to yield better cycle performances due to their better thermal match with the source and sink streams. In this work a new IPSEpro® library for the simulation of power cycles using binary mixtures was developed. With this library the working fluid can be defined as the mixture of any pair of suitable fluids contained in the Refprop database.

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